

Merging Belief Bases Represented by Logic Programs

14 years 7 months ago
Merging Belief Bases Represented by Logic Programs
Abstract. This paper presents a method which allows for merging beliefs expressed thanks to logic programming with stable model semantics. This method is based on the syntactic merging operators described in the framework of propositional logic. The study of these operators leads to a new definition of the consequence relation between logic programs which is based on the logic of Hereand-There brought by Turner. Moreover, the specificity of the non-monotonic framework given by logic programming with stable model semantics allows for describing a weakened version of the merging operation. Once the operators are defined, their behaviour with respect to the Konieczny and Pino-Perez postulates for merging are examined and discussed. Nowadays, the computer science field has to deal with distributed sources of knowledge; especially in the context of databases. These sources are rarely synchronized, they generally conflict. Therefore, the interrogation and sharing of those distributed so...
Julien Hué, Odile Papini, Eric Würbel
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Julien Hué, Odile Papini, Eric Würbel
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