

Message-Optimal and Latency-Optimal Termination Detection Algorithms for Arbitrary Topologies

14 years 6 months ago
Message-Optimal and Latency-Optimal Termination Detection Algorithms for Arbitrary Topologies
An important problem in distributed systems is to detect termination of a distributed computation. A computation is said to have terminated when all processes have become passive and all channels have become empty. In this paper, we present a suite of algorithms for detecting termination of a non-diffusing computation for an arbitrary topology. All our termination detection algorithms have optimal message complexity and optimal detection latency under varying assumptions. Key words: monitoring distributed system, termination detection, arbitrary communication topology, optimal algorithm, diffusing and non-diffusing computations, simultaneous and delayed initiations, single-hop and multi-hop application messages
Neeraj Mittal, Subbarayan Venkatesan, Sathya Peri
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WDAG
Authors Neeraj Mittal, Subbarayan Venkatesan, Sathya Peri
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