

Message-Passing Algorithms for MAP Estimation Using DC Programming

12 years 5 months ago
Message-Passing Algorithms for MAP Estimation Using DC Programming
We address the problem of finding the most likely assignment or MAP estimation in a Markov random field. We analyze the linear programming formulation of MAP through the lens of difference of convex functions (DC) programming, and use the concaveconvex procedure (CCCP) to develop efficient message-passing solvers. The resulting algorithms are guaranteed to converge to a global optimum of the well-studied local polytope, an outer bound on the MAP marginal polytope. To tighten the outer bound, we show how to combine it with the mean-field based inner bound and, again, solve it using CCCP. We also identify a useful relationship between the DC formulations and some recently proposed algorithms based on Bregman divergence. Experimentally, this hybrid approach produces optimal solutions for a range of hard OR problems and nearoptimal solutions for standard benchmarks.
Akshat Kumar, Shlomo Zilberstein, Marc Toussaint
Added 27 Sep 2012
Updated 27 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where JMLR
Authors Akshat Kumar, Shlomo Zilberstein, Marc Toussaint
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