

Metaplanning Model Based in an Organizational Memory

14 years 1 months ago
Metaplanning Model Based in an Organizational Memory
— When problems are present in production, equipment or the process which are critical for organizations, many management personnel and experts have to meet to propose a solution. Often, the solutions proposed don’t have the best results because of management influence on the opinions of the people at the meeting; the experts withhold and don’t use their valuable information, product of years of work. This model presents a way to obtain solutions for these kinds of problems in any organization. First, it is necessary to build an organizational memory where the experts register good problem solutions in a specific domain. In this way, when a new problem is presented, the model searches the desired goals in the organizational memory data base and compares them to the past actions registered as good solutions based on experience. If an action has been registered by the majority of the experts then this action will be part of the solution. This point of view is equivalent to a vote i...
José Bernardo Parra Victorino, Raúl
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WCE
Authors José Bernardo Parra Victorino, Raúl Morales Carrasco, Efrén Armando Osorio Ramírez
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