

A Method and a Technique to Model and Ensure Timeliness in Safety Critical Real-Time Systems

14 years 4 months ago
A Method and a Technique to Model and Ensure Timeliness in Safety Critical Real-Time Systems
The main focus of this paper is the problem of ensuring timeliness in safety critical systems. First, we introduce a method and its associated technique to model both real-time tasks and the timeliness ensuring concern when tasks are executed in parallel. This approach is based on formal aspects of our real-time tasks model and on the definition of the synchronized product operator on the tasks. Real-time tasks are equivalent to their statetransition diagrams and the operator allows us to compose the diagrams of a set of tasks to represent their interactions. The operator is then used to map the tasks to a system of linear constraints to determine the schedulability of the tasks and deduce a system load upper bound. An illustration of our technique on a safety critical study case is presented in which the timeliness property can be achieved for the real-time set of tasks executed in parallel on the same processor. We also introduce how this work can be applied to the multiprocessor ca...
Christophe Aussaguès, Vincent David
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Christophe Aussaguès, Vincent David
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