

A method of creating new valency entries

14 years 2 months ago
A method of creating new valency entries
Information on subcategorization and selectional restrictions is important for natural language processing tasks such as deep parsing, rule-based machine translation and automatic summarization. In this paper we present a method of adding detailed entries to a bilingual dictionary, based on information in an existing valency dictionary. The method is based on two assumptions: words with similar meaning have similar subcategorization frames and selectional restrictions; and words with the same translations have similar meanings. Based on these assumptions, new valency entries are constructed from words in a plain bilingual dictionary, using entries with similar source-language meaning and the same target-language translations. We evaluate the effects of various measures of similarity in increasing accuracy.
Sanae Fujita, Francis Bond
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where MT
Authors Sanae Fujita, Francis Bond
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