

A Method for Reconstructing Label Images From a Few Projections, as Motivated by Electron Microscopy

15 years 1 months ago
A Method for Reconstructing Label Images From a Few Projections, as Motivated by Electron Microscopy
Our aim is to produce a tessellation of space into small voxels and, based on only a few tomographic projections of an object, assign to each voxel a label that indicates one of the components of interest constituting the object. Traditional methods are not reliable in applications, such as electron microscopy in which (due to the damage by radiation) only a few projections are available. We postulate a low level prior knowledge regarding the underlying distribution of label images, and then directly estimate the label image based on the prior and the projections. We use a relatively efficient approximation to a global search for the estimation.
Hstau Y. Liao, Gabor T. Herman
Added 20 Nov 2009
Updated 20 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ISBI
Authors Hstau Y. Liao, Gabor T. Herman
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