

A Method for Secure Query Processing in Mobile Databases

14 years 16 days ago
A Method for Secure Query Processing in Mobile Databases
—A method for secure query processing in mobile databases has been presented in this paper. Mobile devices send queries to the server via point-to-point channels. The mobile database server computes the superset of results of several similar queries, which is broadcast on a large bandwidth broadcast channel. The mobile devices tune to that channel to retrieve their necessary information. Here the senders of all the said queries can view not only the result of their own query but also the results of others’ queries in the same group. This is not desirable, since some user can maliciously view the results of queries sent by some other user. In this paper, we have proposed a method that would not allow any user to do so, although the results of multiple queries are being sent in the same broadcast channel which is accessible to all users.
D. Saha, N. Chowdhury
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where ENGL
Authors D. Saha, N. Chowdhury
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