

A Method for Utilizing Diploid/Dominance in Genetic Search

14 years 4 months ago
A Method for Utilizing Diploid/Dominance in Genetic Search
homologous alleles seemingly compete prior to manifestation in the observed phenotype, will be referred to as sub-phenotype interaction.A method is proposed for implementing diploid/dominance in genetic search. Both diploid strings, in a single gene example are evaluated to produce two intermediate phenotypes which then determine dominance. Experimental results indicate that changing global optima are accurately identified and followed. The method is problem independent and can be readily extended to a polyploid chromosome structure. The two sub-phenotypes are obtained by evaluating both chromosomes using whatever fitness function is to be maximized. Dominance is implemented by mapping the two sub-phenotype fitness values to the scalar fitness value which will then be used for selection. The mapping function will be referred to as the dominance map or dominance function, and the fitnesses of the individual haploid chromosomes (homologues), will be referred to as sub-fitness. The approa...
F. Greene
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where ICEC
Authors F. Greene
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