

Methods for Achieving Fast Query Times in Point Location Data Structures

14 years 3 months ago
Methods for Achieving Fast Query Times in Point Location Data Structures
Given a collection S of n line segments in the plane, the planar point location problem is to construct a data structure that can e ciently determine for a given query point p the rst segment(s) in S intersected by vertical rays emanating out from p. It is well known that linear-space data structures can be constructed so as to achieve O(logn) query times. But applications, such as those common in geographic information systems, motivate a re-examination of this problem with the goal of improving query times further while also simplifying the methods needed to achieve such query times. In this paper we perform such a re-examination, focusing on the issues that arise in three di erent classes of pointlocation query sequences: sequences that arereasonablyuniform spatially and temporally (in which case the constant factors in the query times become critical), sequences that are non-uniform spatially or temporally (in which case one desires data structures that adapt to spatial and tempor...
Michael T. Goodrich, Mark W. Orletsky, Kumar Ramai
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where SODA
Authors Michael T. Goodrich, Mark W. Orletsky, Kumar Ramaiyer
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