

Metric operations on fuzzy spatial objects in databases

14 years 7 months ago
Metric operations on fuzzy spatial objects in databases
Uncertainty management for geometric data is currently an important problem for (extensible) databases in general and for spatial databases, image databases, and GIS in particular. In these systems, spatial data are traditionally kept as determinate and sharply bounded objects; the aspect of spatial vagueness is not and cannot be treated by these systems. However, in many geometric and geographical database applications there is a need to model spatial phenomenarather through vague conceptsdue to indeterminate and blurred boundaries. Following previous work, we first describe a data model for fuzzy spatial objects including data types for fuzzy regions and fuzzy lines. We then, in particular, study the important class of metric operations on these objects. Keywords Fuzzy spatial data type, fuzzy region, fuzzy line, real-valued metric operation, fuzzy-valued metric operation, fuzzy sets
Markus Schneider
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where GIS
Authors Markus Schneider
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