

A Metrics Suite for Concurrent Logic Programs

14 years 7 months ago
A Metrics Suite for Concurrent Logic Programs
AbstractA large body of research in the measurement of software complexity has been focused on imperative programs, but little eort has been made for logic programs. In this paper, a set of complexity metrics for concurrent logic programs are proposed, which are speci cally designed to quantify the information ow of concurrent logic programs. These metrics are de ned based on the argument dependence net (ADN) of a concurrent logic program which is an arc-classi ed digraph to explicitly represent various program dependences between arguments in the program. The proposed metrics can be used to measure the complexity of a concurrent logic program from various dierent viewpoints.
Jianjun Zhao, Jingde Cheng, Kazuo Ushijima
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where CSMR
Authors Jianjun Zhao, Jingde Cheng, Kazuo Ushijima
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