

mFerio: the design and evaluation of a peer-to-peer mobile payment system

15 years 1 months ago
mFerio: the design and evaluation of a peer-to-peer mobile payment system
In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of a nearfield communication-based mobile p2p payment application called mFerio which is designed to replace cash-based transactions. We first identify design criteria that payment systems should satisfy and then explain how mFerio, relative to those criteria, improves on the limitations of cash-based systems. We next describe mFerio's user interface design and implementation, focusing on the balance between usability and security. Finally, we present the results of a two-phase user study, involving a total of 104 people, that shows that mFerio is fast, accurate, easy to use, with low cognitive load ? even outperforming cash in common situations. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 User Interfaces: Mobile Payment Systems General Terms Design, Human Factors, Experimentation Author Keywords Mobile Computing, User Study, Mobile Payment, p2p Payment, NFC, Near-Field Communication, Digital Wallet
Rajesh Krishna Balan, Narayan Ramasubbu, Komsit Pr
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Rajesh Krishna Balan, Narayan Ramasubbu, Komsit Prakobphol, Nicolas Christin, Jason Hong
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