

Micromouse Competition Training Method Based on 3D Simulation Platform

14 years 2 days ago
Micromouse Competition Training Method Based on 3D Simulation Platform
This paper describes a successful integration of the IEEE micromouse competition training programme with regular undergraduate courses at Zhejiang University City College (ZUCC), Hangzhou. A micromouse is a computer controlled autonomous mobile robot which can find a predetermined destination when placed in an unknown maze. A generic 3D IEEE micromouse simulation platform with multiple viewpoints has been presented that can be used both for research and education. The 3D IEEE micromouse simulation platform offers many characteristics that differentiate it from most existing 2D simulators. Most notably, we designed a set of training programme for students who major in computer software to participate in IEEE micromouse competition based on the 3D simulation platform. The goals of this paper are to report a complete design example suitable for large-scale student participation and to discuss the benefits of the programme from an educator's view point. Keywords- micromouse; simulator...
Meimei Huo, Jianzhong Wu, Jianping Cai, Bin Song
Added 04 Mar 2011
Updated 04 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Meimei Huo, Jianzhong Wu, Jianping Cai, Bin Song
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