

Microphone-Independent Robust Signal Processing Using Probabilistic Optimum Filtering

14 years 4 months ago
Microphone-Independent Robust Signal Processing Using Probabilistic Optimum Filtering
A new mapping algorithm for speech recognition relates the features of simultaneous recordings of clean and noisy speech. The model is a piecewise nonfinear transformation appfied to the noisy speech feature. The transformation is a set of multidimensional linear least-squares filters whose outputs are combined using a conditional Gaussian model. The algorithm was tested using SRI's DECIPHERTM speech recognition system [1-5]. Experimental results show how the mapping is used to reduce recognition errors when the training and testing acoustic environments do not match.
Leonardo Neumeyer, Mitch Weintraub
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Authors Leonardo Neumeyer, Mitch Weintraub
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