

Micropolygon ray tracing with defocus and motion blur

14 years 5 months ago
Micropolygon ray tracing with defocus and motion blur
We present a micropolygon ray tracing algorithm that is capable of efficiently rendering high quality defocus and motion blur effects. A key component of our algorithm is a BVH (bounding volume hierarchy) based on 4D hyper-trapezoids that project into 3D OBBs (oriented bounding boxes) in spatial dimensions. This acceleration structure is able to provide tight bounding volumes for scene geometries, and is thus efficient in pruning intersection tests during ray traversal. More importantly, it can exploit the natural coherence on the time dimension in motion blurred scenes. The structure can be quickly constructed by utilizing the micropolygon grids generated during micropolygon tessellation. Ray tracing of defocused and motion blurred scenes is efficiently performed by traversing the structure. Both the BVH construction and ray traversal are easily implemented on GPUs and integrated into a GPU-based micropolygon renderer. In our experiments, our ray tracer performs up to an order of ...
Qiming Hou, Hao Qin, Wenyao Li, Baining Guo, Kun Z
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 29 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Qiming Hou, Hao Qin, Wenyao Li, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou
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