

A Micropower Analog VLSI HMM State Decoder for Wordspotting

14 years 4 months ago
A Micropower Analog VLSI HMM State Decoder for Wordspotting
We describe the implementation of a hidden Markov model state decoding system, a component for a wordspotting speech recognition system. The key specification for this state decoder design is microwatt power dissipation; this requirement led to a continuoustime, analog circuit implementation. We describe the tradeoffs inherent in the choice of an analog design and explain the mapping of the discrete-time state decoding algorithm into the continuous domain. We characterize the operation of a 10-word (81 state) state decoder test chip.
John Lazzaro, John Wawrzynek, Richard Lippmann
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where NIPS
Authors John Lazzaro, John Wawrzynek, Richard Lippmann
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