

Minimal Social Weight User Interactions for Wearable Computers in Business Suits

14 years 8 months ago
Minimal Social Weight User Interactions for Wearable Computers in Business Suits
This paper presents the e-SUIT, a wearable computer incorporated in a traditional business suit. A key feature of the system is an array of input/output devices integrated into the garment. These devices are connected to a network bus incorporated into the suit jacket. The network connects the jackets sensors and I/O with a Compaq iPAQ operating Windows CE. The iPAQ is connected to the users personal information systems via a wireless LAN. Demonstrated within is an application allowing the e-SUIT to control the factory installed Microsoft Pocket Outlook®. Pocket Outlook is a functioning business class application that allows the proof of concept testing to be performed on an integrated product used in the marketplace
Aaron Toney, Barrie Mulley, Bruce H. Thomas, Wayne
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ISWC
Authors Aaron Toney, Barrie Mulley, Bruce H. Thomas, Wayne Piekarski
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