

Minimizing the Effect of Process Mismatch in a Neuromorphic System Using Spike-Timing-Dependent Adaptation

14 years 1 days ago
Minimizing the Effect of Process Mismatch in a Neuromorphic System Using Spike-Timing-Dependent Adaptation
Abstract--This paper investigates whether spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) can minimize the effect of mismatch within the context of a depth-from-motion algorithm. To improve noise rejection, this algorithm contains a spike prediction element, whose performance is degraded by analog very large scale integration (VLSI) mismatch. The error between the actual spike arrival time and the prediction is used as the input to an STDP circuit, to improve future predictions. Before STDP adaptation, the error reflects the degree of mismatch within the prediction circuitry. After STDP adaptation, the error indicates to what extent the adaptive circuitry can minimize the effect of transistor mismatch. The circuitry is tested with static and varying prediction times and chip results are presented. The effect of noisy spikes is also investigated. Under all conditions the STDP adaptation is shown to improve performance.
Katherine Cameron, Alan Murray
Added 29 Dec 2010
Updated 29 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TNN
Authors Katherine Cameron, Alan Murray
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