

Minimizing recovery state In geographic ad-hoc routing

15 years 1 months ago
Minimizing recovery state In geographic ad-hoc routing
Geographic ad hoc networks use position information for routing. They often utilize stateless greedy forwarding and require the use of recovery algorithms when the greedy approach fails. We propose a novel idea based on virtual repositioning of nodes that allows to increase the efficiency of greedy routing and significantly increase the success of the recovery algorithm based on local information alone. We explain the problem of predicting dead ends which the greedy algorithm may reach and bypassing voids in the network, and introduce NEAR, Node Elevation Ad-hoc Routing, a solution that incorporates both virtual positioning and routing algorithms that improve performance in ad-hoc networks containing voids. We demonstrate by simulations the advantages of our algorithm over other geographic adhoc routing solutions. Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.2 Computer Systems Organization: Computer-Communication Networks -Network Protocols General Terms:Algorithms, Performance, Theory
Noa Arad, Yuval Shavitt
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Noa Arad, Yuval Shavitt
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