

Mining Flipping Correlations from Large Datasets with Taxonomies

12 years 11 months ago
Mining Flipping Correlations from Large Datasets with Taxonomies
In this paper we introduce a new type of pattern – a flipping correlation pattern. The flipping patterns are obtained from contrasting the correlations between items at different levbstraction. They represent surprising correlations, both positive and negative, which are specific for a given abstraction level, and which “flip” from positive to negative and vice versa when items are generalized to a higher abstraction. We design an efficient algorithm for finding flipping correlations, the Flipper algorithm, which outperforms na¨ıve pattern mining methods by several orders of magnitude. We apply Flipper to real-life datasets and show that the discovered patterns are non-redundant, surprising and actionable. Flipper finds strong contrasting correlations in itemsets with low-to-medium support, while existing techniques cannot handle the pattern discovery in this frequency range. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.5.1 [Pattern Recognition]: Models—Statistical; H.2.8 [D...
Marina Barsky, Sangkyum Kim, Tim Weninger, Jiawei
Added 20 Apr 2012
Updated 20 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CORR
Authors Marina Barsky, Sangkyum Kim, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han
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