

Mining Frequent Itemsets using Patricia Tries

14 years 1 months ago
Mining Frequent Itemsets using Patricia Tries
We present a depth-first algorithm, PatriciaMine, that discovers all frequent itemsets in a dataset, for a given support threshold. The algorithm is main-memory based and employs a Patricia trie to represent the dataset, which is space efficient for both dense and sparse datasets, whereas alternative representations were adopted by previous algorithms for these two cases. A number of optimizations have been introduced in the implementation of the algorithm. The paper reports several experimental results on real and artificial datasets, which assess the effectiveness of the implementation and show the better performance attained by PatriciaMine with respect to other prominent algorithms.
Andrea Pietracaprina, Dario Zandolin
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where FIMI
Authors Andrea Pietracaprina, Dario Zandolin
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