

Mining Frequent Tree-Like Patterns in Large Datasets

14 years 8 months ago
Mining Frequent Tree-Like Patterns in Large Datasets
In this paper, we propose a novel data mining scheme to explore the frequent hierarchical structure patterns, named tree-like patterns, with the relationship of each item on a sequence. By tree-like patterns, we are clear to find out the relation of items between the cause and effect. Finally, we discuss the different characteristics to our mined patterns with others. As a consequence, we can find out that our addressed tree-like patterns can be widely used to explore a variety of different applications.
Tzung-Shi Chen, Shih-Chun Hsu
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Tzung-Shi Chen, Shih-Chun Hsu
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