

Mining from open answers in questionnaire data

15 years 25 days ago
Mining from open answers in questionnaire data
Surveys are an important part of marketing and customer relationship management, and open answers (i.e., answers to open questions) in particular may contain valuable information and provide an important basis for making business decisions. We have developed a text mining system that provides a new way for analyzing open answers in questionnaire data. The product is able to perform the following two functions: (A) accurate extraction of characteristics for individual analysis targets, (B) accurate extraction of the relationships among characteristics of analysis targets. In this paper, we describe the working of our text mining system. It employs two statistical learning techniques: rule analysis and Correspondence Analysis for performing the two functions. Our text mining system has already been put into use by a number of large corporations in Japan in the performance of text mining on various types of survey data, including open answers about brand images, open answers about compan...
Hang Li, Kenji Yamanishi
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where KDD
Authors Hang Li, Kenji Yamanishi
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