

MIRACLE at GeoCLEF Query Parsing 2007: Extraction and Classification of Geographical Information

14 years 6 months ago
MIRACLE at GeoCLEF Query Parsing 2007: Extraction and Classification of Geographical Information
This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at the Query Parsing task of GeoCLEF 2007. Our system is composed of three main modules. First, the Named Geo-entity Identifier, whose objective is to perform the geo-entity identification and tagging, i.e., to extract the “where” component of the geographical query, should there be any. This module is based on a gazetteer built up from the Geonames geographical database and carries out a sequential process in three steps that consist on geo-entity recognition, geo-entity selection and query tagging. Then, the Query Analyzer parses this tagged query to identify the “what” and “geo-relation” components by means of a rule-based grammar. Finally, a two-level multiclassifier first decides whether the query is indeed a geographical query and, should it be positive, then determines the query type according to the type of information that the user is supposed to be looking for: map, yellow page or information. ...
Sara Lana-Serrano, Julio Villena-Román, Jos
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CLEF
Authors Sara Lana-Serrano, Julio Villena-Román, José Carlos González Cristóbal, José Miguel Goñi-Menoyo
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