

Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Scheduling for Multicore Systems

13 years 11 months ago
Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Scheduling for Multicore Systems
Current hard real-time scheduling and analysis techniques are unable to efficiently utilize the computational bandwidth provided by multicore platforms. This is due to the large gap between worst-case execution time predictions used in schedulability analysis and actual execution times seen in practice. In this paper, we view this gap as “slack” that can be accounted for during schedulability analysis and reclaimed for less critical work. We use this technique to develop an architecture for scheduling mixed-criticality real-time workloads on multiprocessor platforms. Our architecture provides temporal isolation among tasks of different criticalities while allowing slack to be redistributed across criticality levels.
Malcolm S. Mollison, Jeremy P. Erickson, James H.
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Malcolm S. Mollison, Jeremy P. Erickson, James H. Anderson, Sanjoy K. Baruah, John A. Scoredos
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