

A Mobile Commerce Framework Based on Web Services Architecture

14 years 7 months ago
A Mobile Commerce Framework Based on Web Services Architecture
“Mobile Internet” arguably means more than just a new technique for communication; many analysts believe that it will revolutionize the business world and innovate the way individuals live. This study concentrates on switching existing e-commerce applications from the wired Internet to the mobile Internet. Web Services technologies are currently the most appropriate technologies to realize e-commerce applications. This study develops a mobile commerce application framework based on Web Services technologies and mobile Internet functions. To investigate the feasibility of the proposed framework, an m-store implementation is deployed in a laboratory and simulated using HTTP transactions with Secure Sockets Layer connections in a multi-user access environment. The minimum response time is stable (0.170 seconds for 5 users, 0.196 seconds for 50 users); the maximum throughput is invariable (0.365 Mbps for 5 users, 0.317 Mbps for 50 users), and the maximum transaction rate has little va...
Yao-Chung Chang, Jiann-Liang Chen, Wen-Ming Tseng
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ITCC
Authors Yao-Chung Chang, Jiann-Liang Chen, Wen-Ming Tseng
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