

Mobile Distributed Real-Time Database Systems

14 years 1 months ago
Mobile Distributed Real-Time Database Systems
Research in the concurrency control of real-time data access over mobile networks is receiving growing attention. With possibly lengthy transmission delay and frequent disconnection, traditional concurrency control mechanisms may become very costly and time-consuming in mobile distributed real-time database systems (MDRTDBS). Due to limited bandwidth and unpredictable behavior of mobile networks, the past research on concurrency control for distributed real-time database systems (DRTDBS) can not be directly applied to MDRTDBS. In this paper, we propose a distributed real-time locking protocol, called SDHP-2PL, based on the High Priority Two Phase Locking (HP-2PL) scheme and the concept of similarity for MDRTDBS. We consider the characteristics of mobile networks and adopt the concept of similarity to reduce the possibility of lock conflicts. A detailed model of a MDRTDBS has been developed, and a series of simulation experiments have been conducted to evaluate the capability of SDHP-2...
Kam-yiu Lam, Tei-Wei Kuo
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where RTDB
Authors Kam-yiu Lam, Tei-Wei Kuo
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