

Mobility control schemes with quick convergence in wireless sensor networks

14 years 8 months ago
Mobility control schemes with quick convergence in wireless sensor networks
In the near future, wireless sensor networks (WSN) performing sensing and communication tasks will be widely deployed as technology rapidly advances. Communication is one of the essential functionalities of these networks while power and computation resources in each sensor are limited. Recently, attention has been drawn to using mobility control to minimize energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we are going to provide quickly converging mobility control schemes to achieve optimal configuration in a single data flow. The key idea of our schemes is to use the optimal location information of each relay node as a guide for node movement while maintaining the connectivity of relay nodes along the data flow. Experimental results show that our schemes can speed up the convergence process to nearly the optimal and reduce the cost of it almost to the minimum, compared with the best results known to the date.
Xiao Chen, Zhen Jiang, Jie Wu
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IPPS
Authors Xiao Chen, Zhen Jiang, Jie Wu
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