This work introduces a new technique for highly detailed, interactive liquid simulations. Similar to the mode-splitting method (used e.g. in oceanography), we separate the simulation of the lowfrequency liquid flow and the high-frequency free surface waves. Hence, the performance for highly detailed liquid simulations can be increased immensely. Thereby, we use the 2D wave equation for surface simulation and the 3D Navier-Stokes equations for describing the liquid flow. Thus, the surface as well as the liquid flow are simulated physically-based, resulting in highly detailed and fully interactive liquid simulations: The liquid flows according to gravity, ground, obstacles and interactions, and the surface interacts with impacts, moving obstacles or simulates the propagation of highly detailed surface waves. Our method obtains realistic results at high framerates. Therefore, it is very suitable for today’s video games, VR-Environments or medical simulators. CR Categories: I.3.7 [C...
H. Cords