

Model and Modeless Friction Compensation: Application to a Defective Haptic Interface

14 years 9 months ago
Model and Modeless Friction Compensation: Application to a Defective Haptic Interface
Abstract. This paper describes a preliminary work devoted to the design of a control architecture for a defective haptic interface, i.e. an underactuated haptic interface not able to apply forces along arbitrary directions. This interface is intended to be used for grasping tasks, where unilateral constraints are usually present. The main control problems considered in this paper concern the study of friction compensation techniques by means of a force feedback loop and a feedforward controller. This has been implemented with three different methods: two are based on a model of the friction present in the actuation system, while the latter on a Momentum Observer. These schemes have been experimentally tested on a simplified setup of the haptic interface, composed by a linear motor, a force sensor, and a Kevlar wire. Two sets of experiments have been considered, i.e. free space motions and interaction with a virtual wall. Key words: Haptics, friction compensation, Momentum Observer, w...
Gianni Borghesan, Claudio Melchiorri
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Gianni Borghesan, Claudio Melchiorri
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