

Model-based Simulation of Web Applications for Usability Assessment

14 years 12 months ago
Model-based Simulation of Web Applications for Usability Assessment
In this paper we discuss an approach for simulating the behaviour of interactive software systems, before starting on any of the actual implementation, based on a model of the system at the architectural level. By providing a mock-up of the final user interface for controlling the simulation, it is possible to carry out usability assessments of the system much earlier in the design process than is usually the case. This means that design changes informed by this usability assessment can be made at this early stage. This is much less expensive than having to wait until an implementation of the system is completed before discovering flaws and having to make major changes to already implemented components. The approach is supported by a suite of cooperating tools for specification, formal modelling and animation of the system.
Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebasti&a
Added 09 Dec 2009
Updated 09 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICSE
Authors Robert Chatley, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebastián Uchitel
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