

Model-based transductive learning of the kernel matrix

14 years 2 months ago
Model-based transductive learning of the kernel matrix
This paper addresses the problem of transductive learning of the kernel matrix from a probabilistic perspective. We define the kernel matrix as a Wishart process prior and construct a hierarchical generative model for kernel matrix learning. Specifically, we consider the target kernel matrix as a random matrix following the Wishart distribution with a positive definite parameter matrix and a degree of freedom. This parameter matrix, in turn, has the inverted Wishart distribution (with a positive definite hyperparameter matrix) as its conjugate prior and the degree of freedom is equal to the dimensionality of the feature space induced by the target kernel. Resorting to a missing data problem, we devise an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to infer the missing data, parameter matrix and feature dimensionality in a maximum a posteriori (MAP) manner. Using different settings for the target kernel and hyperparameter matrices, our model can be applied to different types of learning pro...
Zhihua Zhang, James T. Kwok, Dit-Yan Yeung
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where ML
Authors Zhihua Zhang, James T. Kwok, Dit-Yan Yeung
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