

Model driven design and aspect weaving

14 years 11 days ago
Model driven design and aspect weaving
Amodelisasimplifiedrepresentationofanaspect of the world for a specific purpose. In complex systems, many aspects are to be handled, from architectural aspects to dynamic behavior, functionalities, user-interface, and extrafunctional concerns (such as security, reliability, timeliness, etc.). For software systems, the design process can then be characterized as the weaving of all these aspects into a detailed design model. Model Driven Design aims at automating this weaving process, that is automatically deriving software systems from theirs models. This paper explores the relationship between modeling and aspect weaving. It points out someofthechallengesrelatedtosuchautomaticmodelweaving, illustrating them with the example of a weaving process for behavioral models represented as scenarios.
Jean-Marc Jézéquel
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Jean-Marc Jézéquel
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