Abstract. The complexity of today's embedded systems and their development trajectories requires a systematic, model-driven design approach, supported by tooling wherever possible. Only then, development trajectories become manageable, with high-quality, cost-effective results. This paper introduces the Octopus Design-Space Exploration (DSE) toolset that aims to leverage existing modeling, analysis, and DSE tools to support model-driven DSE for embedded systems. The current toolset integrates Uppaal and CPN Tools, and is centered around the DSE Intermediate Representation (DSEIR) that is specifically designed to support DSE. The toolset architecture allows: (i) easy reuse of models between different tools, while providing model consistency, and the combined use of these tools in DSE; (ii) domain-specific abstractions to support different application domains and easy reuse of tools across domains. Key words: Design-space exploration, Modeling, Analysis, Embedded Systems, CPN Tools,...