

A Model-driven Environment for Component Deployment

14 years 8 months ago
A Model-driven Environment for Component Deployment
This paper presents Deployment Factory, a modeldriven unified environment for deploying componentbased applications. While there are projects aiming to develop a unified deployment environment for component-based applications, none of them is generic enough – they do not support heterogeneous applications, they are targeted for a single component technology and/or impose modifications of the underlying technologies. The Deployment Factory targets all these issues. It is based on (i) the OMG Deployment and Configuration Specification [18], (ii) an analysis of contemporary used component technologies, and (iii) our experience from component-based development. Moreover, the paper also shows that a plain MDA approach (the one used in the OMG Deployment and Configuration specification) for building real systems is not always appropriate.
Petr Hnetynka
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where SERA
Authors Petr Hnetynka
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