

A Model for Fuzzy Temporal Reasoning on a Database

14 years 7 months ago
A Model for Fuzzy Temporal Reasoning on a Database
In decision support systems for Intensive Care Units (ICU), the data management subsystem plays an essential role since the data have a heterogeneous origin. The temporal dimension of the data is also very important in capturing the intrinsic dynamism in patients’ evolution data. This situation requires the integration of data in a unique platform in which time representation and management techniques should be considered. The selection of a data model that simplifies the expression of (complex) queries relies on an efficient internal representation of data for processing updates and queries on temporal data. On the other hand, due to the large amount of data regarding patient evolution a DataBase Management Systems (DBMS) is required. Therefore, the integration of a DBMS with a temporal reasoner is required if temporal reasoning capabilities on patients’ evolution data are to be provided. This paper presents the integration of a DBMS with a generic fuzzy temporal reasoning (Fuzz...
Manuel Campos, José Palma, Roque Marí
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Manuel Campos, José Palma, Roque Marín, B. Llamas, A. González
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