

A Model to Incorporate Privacy in Organizational Memory Systems

14 years 4 months ago
A Model to Incorporate Privacy in Organizational Memory Systems
People are usually concerned with the privacy of their personal information. However, the problem of privacy is also present when the information is directly linked to people, for example in personal opinions, discussions and decisions. Typically, if this information is indefinitely stored in an organizational memory system, then it may cause privacy problems inside the organization. Privacy is needed for users to feel free enough to express themselves honestly, and consequently, for the collaborative software to succeed. This paper presents a model to incorporate automatic privacy measures in an Organizational Memory System.
Valeria Herskovic, Sergio F. Ochoa, José A.
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Valeria Herskovic, Sergio F. Ochoa, José A. Pino
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