

A Model for the Integration of Prioritized Knowledge Bases Through Subjective Belief Games

13 years 8 months ago
A Model for the Integration of Prioritized Knowledge Bases Through Subjective Belief Games
Belief merging is concerned with the integration of several belief bases such that a coherent belief base is developed. Various belief merging models have been developed that use a belief negotiation game to address this problem. These models often consist of two key functions, namely: negotiation, and weakening. A negotiation function finds and selects the weakest belief bases among the available belief bases, and then a weakening function removes the least valuable set of information from the selected belief base. This process is iteratively repeated until a consistent belief base is developed. In this paper, we extend the current game-based belief merging models by introducing the Subjective belief game model. The Subjective belief game model operates over a subjective belief profile, which consists of belief bases with subjectively annotated formulae. The subjective information attached to each formula enables the proposed model to prioritize the formulae in the merging process. On...
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSMC
Authors Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani
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