

A Model of Recurrent Interactions in Primary Visual Cortex

14 years 4 months ago
A Model of Recurrent Interactions in Primary Visual Cortex
A general feature of the cerebral cortex is its massive interconnectivity-ithas been estimatedanatomically 15 that cortical neurons receive on the order of 10,000 synapses, the majority of which originate from other nearby cortical neurons. Numerous experiments in primary visual cortex V1 have revealed strongly nonlinear interactions between stimulus elements, implying a signi cant physiological role of recurrent computation. However, most theories of visual processing have either assumed a feedforward processing scheme 6 , or have used recurrent interactions to account for isolated e ects only 1, 12, 14 . Since nonlinear systems cannot in general be taken apart and analyzed in pieces, it is not clear what one learns by building a recurrent model that only accounts for one, or very few phenomena. Here we develop a relatively simple model of recurrent interactions in V1, that re ects major anatomical and physiological features of intracortical connectivity, and simultaneously accounts ...
Emanuel Todorov, Athanassios Siapas, David Somers
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where NIPS
Authors Emanuel Todorov, Athanassios Siapas, David Somers
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