

A Model-Theoretic Approach to the Verification of Situated Reasoning Systems

14 years 4 months ago
A Model-Theoretic Approach to the Verification of Situated Reasoning Systems
agent-oriented system. We show the complexity to be linear time for one of these logics and polynomial time for another, thus providing encouraging results with respect to the practical use of such logics for verifying agent-oriented systems. 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n The study of systems that are situated or embedded in a changing environment has been receiving considerable attention within the knowledge representation and planning communities. The primary characteristic of these systems is their dynamic and resource-bounded nature. In particular, situated systems need to provide an appropriate balance between time spent deliberating and time spent acting. If the time spent on deliberation is too long, the ability of the system to complete its tasks may be seriously affected. On the other hand, too little deliberation may lead to a system that is short-sighted and reactive. A number of different architectures have emerged as a possible basis for such systems [Bratman ct al., 1988; Rao...
Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Authors Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff
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