

Model for unistroke writing time

15 years 2 months ago
Model for unistroke writing time
Unistrokes are a viable form of text input in pen-based user interfaces. However, they are a very heterogeneous group of gestures the only common feature being that all are drawn with a single stroke. Several unistroke alphabets have been proposed including the original Unistrokes, Graffiti, Allegro, T-Cube and MDITIM. Comparing these methods usually requires a lengthy study with many writers and even then the results are biased by the earlier handwriting experience that the writers have. Therefore, a simple descriptive model can make these comparisons easier. In this paper we propose a model for predicting the writing time for an expert user on any given unistroke alphabet thus enabling sounder argumentation on the properties of different writing methods. Keywords Modeling of motor performance, handwriting, pen input
Poika Isokoski
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where CHI
Authors Poika Isokoski
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