

Modeling and Detecting Failures in Next-generation Distributed Multimedia Applications

14 years 5 months ago
Modeling and Detecting Failures in Next-generation Distributed Multimedia Applications
In this paper we investigate dependability issues of nextgeneration distributed multimedia applications. Examples of such applications are autonomous vehicle control, telemedicine, audio/video control, and Internet telephony. For these applications the quality of the delivered multimedia data is a critical factor. According to the ITU-T (working group SG 12), the quality of a multimedia service as perceived by end-users is defined by three parameters: delay, delay variation, and information loss. It is paramount to formalize the concept of a failure from the user’s perspective. This paper defines the correctness of a multimedia service as a function of temporal distributions of the user-related parameters. It proposes a strategy for modeling and detecting failures of the considered applications. In particular, the detection process is based on error filtering functions. We show that the combination of threshold-based mechanisms is quite suitable for implementing an efficient det...
Domenico Cotroneo, Cristiano di Flora, Generoso Pa
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SRDS
Authors Domenico Cotroneo, Cristiano di Flora, Generoso Paolillo, Stefano Russo
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