

Modeling Compiled Communication Costs in Multiplexed Optical Networks

14 years 4 months ago
Modeling Compiled Communication Costs in Multiplexed Optical Networks
Improvements in optical technology will enable the constructionof high bandwidth, low latencyswitching networks. These networks have many applications in massively parallel processing. However current circuit switching and packet switching techniques are not quite suitablefor controlling such networks. Time division multiplexing (TDM) schemes can improve the performance of circuit switched optical interconnectionnetworks by taking advantage of the localityof referencespresent inthe communicationpatterns. In thispapel; we construct a modelfor the cost of compiled communications in circuitswitched networks. Weshow how the cost is affected by the characteristics of the network and by the application’s communication locality of references. Weshow how a compiler can use this information to choose the most appropriate multiplexing degree.
Charles A. Salisbury, Rami G. Melhem
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where IPPS
Authors Charles A. Salisbury, Rami G. Melhem
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