

Modeling context through domain ontologies

14 years 10 days ago
Modeling context through domain ontologies
Traditional information retrieval systems aim at satisfying most users for most of their searches, leaving aside the context in which the search takes place. We propose to model two main aspects of context: The themes of the user’s information need and the specific data the user is looking for to achieve the task that has motivated his search. Both aspects are modeled by means of ontologies. Documents are semantically indexed according to the context representation and the user accesses information by browsing the ontologies. The model has been applied to a case study that has shown the added value of such a semantic representation of context. Keywords Ontology . Task . Document representation . Semantic indexing . Browsing interface
Nathalie Hernandez, Josiane Mothe, Claude Chrismen
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where IR
Authors Nathalie Hernandez, Josiane Mothe, Claude Chrisment, Daniel Egret
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