

Modeling the Cross-Cultural Adaptation Process of Immigrants Using Categorical Data Clustering

14 years 8 months ago
Modeling the Cross-Cultural Adaptation Process of Immigrants Using Categorical Data Clustering
— This paper introduces a quantitative method for social data analysis, which is based on the use of categorical data clustering. More specifically, we employ categorical data clustering to analyze the cross-cultural adaptation process of immigrants in a foreign cultural environment. To assess the extend to which individuals adapt themselves in a strange cultural environment we performed an experiment, where a set of cross-cultural categorical data was generated by using a questionnaire over a number of immigrants who live in Greece. The key idea is to cluster the available categorical data and to treat these clusters as patterns, each of which corresponds to a certain level of adaptation capability. Then, we detect and analyze changes of these patterns through time. These changes directly indicate how the cross-cultural adaptation process proceeds. In order to cluster the available data set we use the well-known ROCK algorithm.
George E. Tsekouras
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors George E. Tsekouras
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