

Modeling Culturally and Emotionally Affected Behavior

14 years 2 months ago
Modeling Culturally and Emotionally Affected Behavior
Culture and emotions have a profound impact on human behavior. Consequently, high-fidelity simulated interactive environments (e.g., trainers and computer games) that involve virtual humans must model socio-cultural and emotional effects on agent behavior. In this paper we discuss two recently fielded systems that do so independently: Culturally Affected Behavior (CAB) and EMotion and Adaptation (EMA). We then propose a simple language that combines the two systems in a natural way thereby enabling simultaneous simulation of culturally and emotionally affected behavior. The proposed language is based on matrix algebra and can be easily implemented on single- or multi-core hardware with an offthe-shelf matrix package (e.g., MATLAB or a C++ library). We then show how to extend the combined culture and emotion model with an explicit representation of religion and personality profiles.
Vadim Bulitko, Steve Solomon, Jonathan Gratch, Mic
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Vadim Bulitko, Steve Solomon, Jonathan Gratch, Michael van Lent
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