

Modeling user activities in a large IPTV system

14 years 8 months ago
Modeling user activities in a large IPTV system
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) has emerged as a new delivery method for TV. In contrast with native broadcast in traditional cable and satellite TV system, video streams in IPTV are encoded in IP packets and distributed using IP unicast and multicast. This new architecture has been strategically embraced by ISPs across the globe, recognizing the opportunity for new services and its potential toward a more interactive style of TV watching experience in the future. Since user activities such as channel switches in IPTV impose workload beyond local TV or set-top box (different from broadcast TV systems), it becomes essential to characterize and model the aggregate user activities in an IPTV network to support various system design and performance evaluation functions such as network capacity planning. In this work, we perform an in-depth study on several intrinsic characteristics of IPTV user activities by analyzing the real data collected from an operational nation-wide IPTV system...
Tongqing Qiu, Zihui Ge, Seungjoon Lee, Jia Wang, J
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IMC
Authors Tongqing Qiu, Zihui Ge, Seungjoon Lee, Jia Wang, Jun Xu, Qi Zhao
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