

Modelling of biologically plausible excitatory networks: emergence and modulation of neural synchrony

14 years 4 months ago
Modelling of biologically plausible excitatory networks: emergence and modulation of neural synchrony
To emphasize the electrical nature of information processing in the brain we use a compartmental model of single neurons. The realistic simulation of wave-like activity in the recurrent excitatory network is similar to the intracellular activation in rat embryonal cerebral cortex cultures [1]. The natural structure of the network is reproduced by including interactions between different functional neurons. We start by reproducing spontaneous electrical activity of single neurons. After massive simulations selective influences are comparable to in vitro measured activity. We show adaptation of the network behavior by introducing external stimulation.
Karsten Kube, Andreas Herzog, Vadym Spravedlyvyy,
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Karsten Kube, Andreas Herzog, Vadym Spravedlyvyy, Bernd Michaelis, Thoralf Opitz, Ana D. de Lima, Thomas B. Voigt
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