

Modelling layer 2 and layer 3 device bandwidths using B-node theory

14 years 6 months ago
Modelling layer 2 and layer 3 device bandwidths using B-node theory
Modern computer networks contain an amalgamation of devices and technologies, with the performance exhibited by each central to digital communications. Varieties of methods exist to measure and/or predict these performance characteristics. “Rule-of-Thumb” is subjective and based on prior experience, typically offering little mathematical rigour. Benchmarks use different scales and units, with comparative results possibly requiring further interpretation. Stochastic modelling uses complex mathematics which can be problematic and difficult to understand and conceptualise to the typical network administrator. As such, the specific technique employed depends on the problem domain and the cost of getting it wrong. Bandwidth-Nodes (B-Nodes) are a high-level bandwidthabstraction used to de-couple and control the complexity of a particular technology from the underlying implementation. Devices and/or technologies can be modelled as an individual node or as a collection of nodes, describin...
S. Cikara, Stanislaw P. Maj, David T. Shaw
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ACSC
Authors S. Cikara, Stanislaw P. Maj, David T. Shaw
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